Eijiro Kirishima, also known as the Sturdy Hero: Red Riot, is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, training to become a Pro Hero. Eijiro is a muscular young man of average height and a rather impressive physique for his young age. He has red eyes that are pointed slightly inwards and a small scar just above his right eye, which Horikoshi admits he frequently forgets to draw. He also has small eyebrows and very pointed teeth. His hair is reasonably short, dyed a bright red, and spiked away from his head at all angles with gel, two more pronounced tufts spiked on either side of his forehead like little horns.
* If you need a pillow core, please select it from the up list.
* Double-sided high quality image printed by digital sublimation printing with the finest ink, invisible zipper.
* The images printed on to the pillow cases are uncensored and without any watermarks.
* Your orders will be packed in best condition and fast deliver to you safe and intact.
* Five fabrics to choose: peach skin / japanese textile / natural velvet / 2 way tricot / new 2 way tricot.
Fabric Parameters
Peach Skin Dakimakura
Fabric characteristics: Peach skin fabric is the most favourable material, which has high cost performance, pretty color rendering, soft and smooth feeling, and nice durability, but nearly with no elasticity.
Japanese Textile Dakimakura
Fabric characteristics: This guy is a step up from peach skin but still the average Joe of the group. While it doesn't excel in any particular area, it doesn't disappoint either. Picture quality is quite good and when referring to softness, it has peach skin beat.
Natural Velvet Dakimakura
Fabric characteristics: Short velvet on the surface, it feels relatively thick, soft and warm, it's really suitable for winter. It will not serve you long in terms of durability. Another downside is the picture quality which isn't as defined as other fabrics due to the nature of velvet.
Two Way Tricot Dakimakura
Fabric characteristics: This is the God among Gods! It has the best picture quality! It's softness-o-meter is off the charts! Best of all, it will last FOREVER!! This tends to be the most expensive fabric as well, but who has ever heard of a cheap god? Exactly, no one. So if you have money to spare then this really should be your number one choice when deciding to buy your dakimakura.
(1) It has a large elasticity and can stretch in both directions. It is easy to set the pillow
(2) Feel delicate, soft and comfortable to touch
(3) High print precision
(4) No static electricity, no wrinkling
(5) Warmth is good.
Low durability. Mainly manifested in easy to dirty, easy to hook silk. If it is used every day, it will begin to be damaged in less than two months. After a year, the hand feels less smooth.
New two way tricot materials have beenImproved in this respect.